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<text>Welcome to the Hypercard version of The Emerging Energy Science!</text>
<text>The Planetary Association for Clean Energy, Inc. is a Canadian scolarly organization based in Ottawa. It is dedicated to the research and development of clean energy systems - - systems which are affordable, universally applicable and evironmentally safe. The organization also acts as a watchdog of emerging and existing unclean systems, including health and safety hazards posed by technology.</text>
<text>THE EMERGING ENERGY SCIENCE is described through bibliographic references. These examine the theory, rationale, research, experiments, and devices - - whether theoretical or actual - - of what might become a future energy science and technology.To assist the reader, the references are provided with interpretive descriptors. With such descriptors, fields of further study may be indicated. Such fields may suggest suspected relationships arising from natural through theoretical explanations, to working devices. The fields embrace both conventional and unconventional considerations.Some of the references include annotations provided by the compilers. These may be informal abstracts of the content of a reference, and may allude to a suspected relevance to future development.Comments, also provided by the compilers, refers usually to the anticipated meaningfulness of the reference for an emerging energy science - - and may express an opinion.THE EMERGING ENERGY SCIENCE is the joint effort of more than 330 individuals of the Planetary Association for Clean Energy’s international network. Coordination was provided by two secretariats, located in Canada and in the United States of America. The interpretation and verification of data was provided by a number of individuals, and in particular: James B. Beal, Thomas E. Bearden, Dr. Richard Blasbrand, James De Meo, George D. Hathaway, Dr. Bogdan C. Maglich, Dr. Andrew Michrowski, Dr. Hans Neiper, Dr. Andrija Puharich, Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher, Fred Alan Rogers, Rolf Schaffranke, Thomas F. Valone, Dr. T. N. Vesiroglu, Marcel Vogel and Rudolf Zinsser.Credit has to be given to coordination efforts of Marcia Aronson, Monique Michaud, Edgar Tumak, Enid Rutland and Julia Wochyshyn.This application was also made possible through financial support from the National Research Council of Canada, the United States Psychotronics Association, Harley Veldhuizen, Henry Gee and Grace Wilson, to whom gratitude is expressed by the publisher.Commentary is welcome on the contents so that the information received might be integrated for future editions.</text>
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<text>“Significance of electromagnetic potentials in quantum theory."</text>
<text>Physical Review. Series 2, 115(3), Aug. 1, 1959. p. 485-491.</text>
<text>Effects of potentials on charged particles exist even in the region where all the fields (and therefore the forces on the particles) vanish, contrary to classical electrodynamics. The quantum effects are due to the phenomenon of interference. These effects occur in spite of Faraday shielding. The Lorentz force does not appear anywhere in the fundamental quantum theory, but appears only as an approximation holding in the classical limit. In quantum mechanics, the fundamental physical entities seem to be the potentials, while the fields are derived from them by differentiation.</text>
<text>Paper largely proves the fundamental scalar interference mechanisms in the scalar electromagnetics approach. Experimental verification of the Bohm-Aharonov effect has since been accomplished.</text>
<text>quantum mechanics, electrostatic scalar potential, magnetic vector potential, scalar fields, scalar interference, scalar interferometry, Tesla waves, longitudinal waves, Bohm-Aharonov effect, foundations of physics, energy bottles.</text>
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<text>Toward a new electromagnetics: Part IV: Vectors and mechanisms clarified.</text>
<text>Millbrae, California: Tesla Book Co., 1983.</text>
<text>Presents a new definition of force and redefines the concept of a vector. Clarifies the nature of the electromagnetic field in vacuum. Presents a concept for a simple free energy motor. Develops the conceptual foundations of scalar electromagnetics. Presents several significant scalar weapon concepts, and a concept for a simple free energy motor.</text>
<text>The motor has since been constructed by John Bedini and replicated by Jim Watson. Watson's motor was presented at the IEEE Tesla Centennial Symposium, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colorado in August, 1984. Bedini also presented a working free energy device of a different kind at the same symposium.</text>
<text>"Tentative synthesis of electrohydrodynamic phenomena in the earth's atmosphere - theoretical development.</text>
<text>In: Samuel C. Coroniti, and James Hughes, eds. International Conference on the Universal Aspects of Atmospheric Electricity, 4th, Tokyo, 1968. Planetary Electrodynamics: Proceedings. Vol. 2, New York: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1969. p. 277-289.</text>
<text>Important paper for the basic comprehension of weather engineering and weather control.</text>
<text>atmospheric phenomena, electromagnetic theory scalar electromagnetics.</text>
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<text>"Thought experiments at superluminal relative velocities."</text>
<text>International Journal of Theoretical Physics. 15(9), Sept. 1976. p. 703-712.</text>
<text>Examines two similar worlds, such as ours, moving at relative velocities greater than the speed of light. Observations are distorted so that each world sees the squares of certain real quantities in the other world as negative. Neglect of this fact has led to erroneous belief that a free charged tachyon would emit Cherenkov radiation and that the existence of tachyons would lead to logical paradoxes.</text>
<text>Key analysis for the possibility of a ""door"", or coupling, between the scalar electromagnetics and our hadronic electromagnetics. </text>
<text>tachyons, superluminal velocities, relativity, foundations of physics.</text>
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<text>"The feasibility of a physical theory of ESP."</text>
<text>In J. R. Smythies, Science and ESP. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1971. p. 230-254.</text>
<text>A precise mechanism for ESP is proposed by the scalar electromagnetics view. The two cerebral hemispheres of the brain form a scalar interferometer, which can be utilized in either the transmit mode or the receive mode. Each hemisphere can to a limited degree construct a deliberate structuring of its internal synaptic firings, thus producing an "artificial electrostatic scalar potential" containing a deliberate vector substructure that is, or can be, sum-zeroed vectorially. Interference of two such artificial scalar potentials (zero-vectors with deliberate vector substructures) at a distance can interfere to produce resultant electromagnetic fields -- and hence energy -- at the distant interference zone or point, by the Bohm-Aharonov effect. If one part of the internal structuring of the artificial potentials in the hemispheres forms a "sum-zero" at lower potential than that of the distant interference zone, energy will flow from the distant interference zone and appear in the hemispheres, again by the Bohm-Aharonov effect. Note that there is no "flow of energy" as such through space between the distant interference zone and the interferometer. The spatiotemporal connection is totally by means of potentials. Also note that the electrostatic scalar potential is not bounded by the speed of light, but simply appears everywhere at once with a finite value. In the scalar electromagnetics view, the electrostatic scalar potential is a spatiotemporal stress, not just a spatial stress as modeled in conventional theory. Thus a change in potential instantly appears everywhere in four-space, including past and future, with a finite value. This then provides a straightforward physical mechanism for the phenomena of classical parapsychology.</text>
<text>An explanation of the Venus flux ropes in terms of superconductor fluxoids.</text>
<text>Logan, Utah: Utah State University. (undated).</text>
<text>A recent theory (1) predicts that collisionless, high-plasmas obey the London equations of superconductivity. When applied to the Venus ionosphere an explanation of the magnetic flux ropes, which lace through the ionosphere, results. The model predicts rope diameters, dependence of the magnetic field on distance from axis, ion temperature variation, ratio of axial and azimuthal magnetic field components and the influence of field magnitudes on the presence or the absence of ropes. All of these agree with observations.</text>
<text>Flux ropes may be utilizable in developing free energy devices.</text>
<text>Feynman, Richard P., Robert B. Leighton and Matthew Sands.</text>
<text>The Feynman Lectures on Physics.</text>
<text>Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1975. II, p. 17-1, 17-2.</text>
<text>On electromagnetic induction: As Feynman put it: 'We know of no other place in physics where such a simple and accurate general principle requires for its real understanding an analysis in terms of two different phenomena.'</text>
<text>There are two completely different kinds of magnetic induction.</text>
<text>Foundations of physics, foundations of electromagnetics, electromagnetic theory, Lorentz force, Maxwell's equations, magnetic field, magnetic induction, Bohm-Aharonov effect.</text>
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<text>American Journal of Physics. 52(1), Jan. 1984. p. 60-68.</text>
<text>Nonrelativistic quantum-mechanical scattering in two dimensions is studied numerically by integrating the time-dependent Schroedinger equation. A partial-wave analysis is used to discuss the numerical results. A potential barrier, a square well, and a single slit are considered as the scattering potentials.</text>
<text>May be applicable to understanding the virtual state (vacuum) scalar engineering apparently being used by the Soviet Union to adversely influence the weather over North America and elsewhere. Several patterns reproduce the "giant radial" effect observed in clouds over the United States just prior to drastic and abnormal changes in the weather in latter 1983. See particularly figures 2 and 3. Note relationship to macro-diffraction shown by G. Anido and D. J. Miller, "Electron diffraction by macroscopic objects," American Journal of Physics, 512(1), Jan. 1984, p. 49-54.</text>
<text>scattering, diffraction, quantum mechanics, weather engineering, scalar electromagnetics, artificial scalar interferometry, giant radials, energy bottle, Tesla waves.</text>
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<text>Relates to a new and unique propulsion system that contains a source of compressed air housed within a tank. The propulsion system is adapted to selectively deliver the pressurized air from the tank to a turbine motor. The air drives the turbine motor and an associated output drive shaft. In addition, a driven vacuum pump system is communicatively connected to the turbine motor. The pump evacuates air from the turbine motor and then directs the evacuated air back to the tank to form a hermetically closed pneumatic circulatory air circuit system.</text>
<text>Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas: NASA, Aug. 1979. 10 p. (NASA-TM-80961; JSC-16073) Paper presented at the AIAA/SAE/ASME Joint Propulsion Conference, 15th, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 18-20, 1979. Propulsion concepts for galactic spacecraft.</text>
<text>Describes a new theory of electromagnetic field propulsion. The propulsion enables a sort of teleportation, enabling one to traverse great distances in a short period of time.</text>
<text>System would involve interaction between two separate energy systems: light (laser] and gravitation, according to Gallimore.</text>
<text>propulsion, unorthodox physics, electromagnetic theory, field resonance propulsion</text>
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<text>"Conversion of shadow energy into electrical energy using lead batteries."</text>
<text>Planetary Association For Clean Energy Newsletter. 3(4), Oct. 1982. p. 16-20.</text>
<text>Description of experiments conducted with the charging and discharging of electrical batteries. High electrical potential affected the charging process, but not the discharging process. The experimenters felt that negative energy is introduced during the use of a charger larger than the "10 hour rate" while positive energy enters when a regular "10 hour rate" charger is used, permitting an overefficiency in the ampere-hour efficiency.</text>
<text>2nd Ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1975. 848 p.</text>
<text>Contains many strange aspects of electromagnetism. E.g., on p. 23: In the Coulomb gauge the scalar electrostatic potential "propagates" instantly everywhere in space. The vector potential, however, propagates at the finite speed of light. Pages 222, 797-798, 811-812 also contain anomalies of great interest.</text>
<text>"A new derivation for the field of a time-varying charge in Einstein's theory."</text>
<text>International Journal of Theoretical Physics. 20(1), 1981. p. 63-68.</text>
<text>An exact solution of the general relativity field equations for a time-varying charged source permits a radial or longitudinal wave of energy. The classical Poynting vector predicts no such energy flow. The vector and scalar potentials are part of any covariant formulation of electrodynamics, but have consistently been omitted from the energy flow vector as a historical oversight in electromagnetic theory.</text>
<text>Physical Review Letters. 2(17), Apr. 23, 1979. p. 1137-1140.</text>
<text>In experiments to measure the angular momentum of vacuum, a large resonant noise due to second harmonics coupled back at the resonant frequency is obtained.</text>
<text>The experimenters do not appear to have recognized the possibility that this "noise" was energy being extracted from vacuum fluctuations.</text>
<text>Translated by F. Legge. London: Walter Scott Publishing Co. Ltd., 1907. New York Reprint. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1910. 439 p.</text>
<text>Elements can, when subjected to certain conditions of shock or pressure acquire new properties. For example: aluminum strips (polished with rouge or cleaned with emery] can be dipped in mercury stored in a few centimeters cube bottle and shaken for exactly 2 minutes therein, then carefully wiped. Then, these strips can be immediately thrown into a vessel full of water. The modified aluminum energetically decomposes water into hydrogen and oxygen while it is thoroughly transformed into alumina. The hydrogen so produced also acquires new properties, including that of making air become a conductor of electricity. Le Bon amply describes how to make altered mercury and altered magnesium and their new electromotive properties. These experiments are illustrated and photographs of their progress in transformation phases are shown. Describes set-up for an experiment of how to work with and see "effluxes produced by particles of dissociated matter" with "sufficient tension to pass through thin plates of non-conducting bodies such as glass and ebonite." "Mr Legge (the translator] has repeated this experiment with a Tesla transformer, surrounded by solid Vaseline. Owing to the elevation of tension thus obtained, he has succeeded in compelling the effluxes to pass through ebonite discs half-centimeter thick, while with the apparatus at my disposal, they will not pass through strips thicker than half-millimeter."</text>
<text>The book deals with dematerialization of matter, dissociation of matter, intra-atomic energy, molecular forces, ether, vortex theory, matter as a particular state of etheric equilibrium, products of dematerialization of matter, dissociation of matter by light, photography of momentary equilibria, ionic fluid and its geometrical forms, variation of mass in case of electric fluid, double generation of crystals, modification of atomic equilibria. Book which the FBI seized during the atomic bomb project in World War II. Le Bon discovered strange ways to activate matter into a sort of radiation, which he apparently did not differentiate from ordinary nuclear radioactivity. Gives many experiments, including some simple ways to dissociate water into hydrogen and oxygen.</text>
<text>Le Bon effects, radiation, anomalous phenomena, dissociation, scalar electromagnetics, chemistry, unorthodox physics, Kervran effect, water as fuel, experiments, chemistry.</text>
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<text>Konversion von schwerkraft-feld-energie: Energietechnische tagung am 27. und 28.</text>
<text>Nov. 1980 in Hannover (Conversion of gravity field energy: Conference on energy technology in Hanover, Germany; summary in English). Hannover: Schriftenreihe des Mittelstandsinstitutes, 1981. 125 p.</text>
<text>Papers, photos, and results of various researchers in the field of free energy.</text>
<text>free energy, conference, free energy devices, unorthodox physics, tachyons, nonconservation of energy, gravity field energy, scalar electromagnetics, Priore device.</text>
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<text>"On the approach to electro- and magneto-static equilibrium."</text>
<text>American Journal of Physics. 51(11), Nov. 1983. p. 1020-1022.</text>
<text>Corrects the mistaken statements of relaxation found in most textbooks. New estimates for a 1 mm. thick copper sheet are about 10 to the negative fourth power as opposed to the old 1.5 to the negative nineteenth.</text>
<text>Important paper for the free energy experimenter. Shows mechanisms by means of which one can "shock" a system and essentially have a three-mechanism oscillatory phenomenon occur for free. Damping these oscillations and extracting free energy from the damping process could conceivably produce free energy, effectively tapping the electrodynamical fluctuations of the charged particles and the fields themselves. This is particularly true when one takes into account the vector substructures of the individual transient scalar fields.</text>
<text>electrostatic fields, magnetostatic fields, relaxation time, magnetic fields, transient fields, scalar fields, scalar interferometry, substructures, translators.</text>
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<text>"Gravitation antiponderale - Effet Magnus electromagnetique."</text>
<text>Revue Francaise d'Astronautique. Organe de la Francaise d'Astronautique (Paris). Nauvelle serie, no. 1967-3, Juillet 1967. p. 5-10.</text>
<text>The Magnus effect is described in terms of the Archimedes principle and applied to a gravitational field. The theoretical possibilities of an anti-gravity device are explored and an 1892 electrostatic experiment is quoted.</text>
<text>"Acoustic decomposition of water by the phonon effect: Towards a viable clean fuel system."</text>
<text>Planetary Association for Clean Energy Newsletter. 3(2,3), Dec. 1981. p. 6-9.</text>
<text>Thermodynamic device which produces hydrogen as fuel and oxygen as oxidant from water. Already tested at ambient pressures and temperatures from sea level up to 3000 meters without loss of its peak efficiency. The electronic function generator has a complex alternating current output consisting of an audio frequency (20 to 200 Hz) amplitude of a carrier wave (200 to 100,000 Hz). At peak efficiency for electrolysis the value of the carrier resonant frequency is 600 Hz + or - 5 Hz. The principle effect for dissociation is the phonon effect: the acoustic vibration of water between a center electrode and a ring electrode.</text>
<text>The method is an interplay between conventional electrolysis and longitudinal, scalar (spark gap) emissions. The system was successfully implemented in a large mobile home vehicle and employed tap water, sea water and brackish desert water to power the engine for about two years.</text>
<text>dissociation, unorthodox physics, decomposition, electrolysis, water as fuel, hydrogen-powered vehicles, resonance, experiments, patents, electrical devices, alternative energy.</text>
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<text>U. S. Patent no. 1,349,103. Aug. 10, 1920.</text>
<text>Utilizes a horizontal long-wire antenna enclosed in a metal sheath, and insulated from it, in an assemblage buried beneath the earth's or water's surface or slightly above it, but parallel to the surface. The sheath is preferably filled with oil. One end of the antenna is grounded, the other connected to receiving or transmitting instruments.</text>
<text>"A story of free energy: Hendershot's fuelless generator."</text>
<text>Energy Unlimited. (13), Spring 1983, p. 4-9. Reprinted from Riley Crabb's Journal of the Borderland Sciences Research Foundation. July & Aug. 1962 </text>
<text>Gives details of Hendershot's basket weave coils and devices. Photos and circuit diagrams are included. In the 1920's Hendershot was reported to have invented a free energy motor.</text>
<text>Hendershot device, free energy, free energy devices, nonconservation of energy, electromagnetic anomalies, scalar electromagnetics.</text>
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<text>"On the energetics, kinetics, and topography of interfaces."</text>
<text>Treatise on Materials Science and Technology. 1, 1972. p. 1-78. Corporate author: Stanford University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering. National Technical information System no. 332575.</text>
<text>Present understanding of surfaces is largely thermodynamic and gives little insight into detailed mechanisms which lead to experimental behavior. Outlines a study to reveal factors determining interfacial energy and configuration between any two materials.</text>
<text>William A. Tiller is a key researcher into extrasensory perception and its underlying scientific basis.</text>
<text>materials science, thermodynamics.</text>
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<text>UNITAR. Conference on long-term energy resources.</text>
<text>1979: Montreal, Quebec. (Conference sur l'avenir des resources energetiques). 4 vols. (New York): UNITAR, 1979. Various pagings.</text>
<text>Examination and presentations of full range of possible long-term energy resources for the world, from the conventional to the non-conventional, including electrostatics and magnetic motors.</text>
<text>UNITAR: United Nations Institute for Training and Research. Maurice Strong and top UNITAR officials impeded the presentation on Tesla technology even by credible scientists.</text>
<text>energy resources, alternative energy.</text>
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<text>"The synergetic theory and transformation of gravitational energy into electrical energy by Tokamak."</text>
<text>In: International symposium on non-conventional energy technology. 1st, Toronto, Oct. 23-24, 1981. Ottawa: Planetary Association for Clean Energy, 1981. p. 20-41.</text>
<text>Synergistic theory assumes space has an electromagnetic structure in the sense of Maxwell's equations. At each point in space, electric and magnetic fields are present and these propagate as electromagnetic waves of high energies and frequencies. Proton has a frequency of 2.4 x 10 the the 14th power GHz. Each EM wave can be associated a density of energy and a density of momentum. It is not the void which is filled with energy, it is the structure of space which is energetic. The synergistic theory has discovered some of the mistakes in interpretation of general relativity, such as the variation of time. It is contended that there is no variation of time really -- there are variations of frequencies and physical reactions which mean that frequencies are variable. Light speed is not constant, except for each reference frame.</text>
<text>Compare with the "new science" presentation of Wilbert B. Smith and the notion of "overlap" in his quadrature concept. Dr. Vallee was with the French nuclear agency.</text>
<text>U.S. News & World Report. Oct. 24, 1983. p. 18.</text>
<text>U.S. satellite photos, on at least three occasions, show huge smoke plumes rising from a remote Russian island with no history of volcanic activity and from which seismographs recorded eruption tremors.</text>
<text>Possibly related to artificial scalar interferometry and cold explosions, and devices using the Bohm-Aharonov effect. SEE - Wood, Derek. "U.S.A. probes mystery cloud reported off Japan." Jane's Defence Weekly. 1(18), May 12, 1984. P. 716. Describes the explosive eruption at 1409 GMT, 9 April, 1984 which rose to 60,000 feet in two minutes. The captain of a Japanese Airlines Boeing 747 freighter en route from Tokyo to Anchorage observed a cloud form resembling the top half of a ball, which quadrupled in size in 30 seconds and rose to over 18,280 meters altitude. The aircraft took evasive action, believing something similar to a nuclear explosion had occurred, although there was no flash. The captain also sent a "Mayday" distress signal which is recorded by the FAA. SEE - Haines, Richard F. Private communication to T. E. Bearden, 27 Sept. 1984. Another B-747 (American carrier) captain at 47 degrees 5' 44" N; 161 degrees 00' 05" E. near the Kuriel Islands on 27 July 1984 (1550 GMT) observed a slowly expanding ball of white light above the horizon. The shell of light continued to expand over a ten minute-long period until visible ahead of them and to their right. Weather radar detected nothing unusual. The shell of light had sharply defined edges and was semi-transparent (stars were visible through it). It was an almost perfect half-circle in outline. This almost positively shows the testing of a Soviet Tesla weapon in the Tesla shield mode, about 3-1/2 months after the cold explosion test in the ocean off Japan on Apr. 9, 1984. SEE - "Explosive events seen on Soviet island." Aviation Week & Space Technology. Sept. 26, 1983. p. 31. Shows explosive events and massive smoke plumes (some 155 miles long) observed by U.S. spacecraft on Bennett Island in the East Siberian Sea. Three photos are included. The third photo shows the initiation of such an event. These events are excellent candidates for the "heat exhaust" of a scalar interferometer weapon used in the "cold explosion" mode, where heat is extracted violently from a distant interference zone and emerges at the scalar interferometer site. Such utilization requires a heat dump and heat exhaust system of enormous size, and no other schema fits the explosive events seen on this Soviet island located 350 miles north of the Soviet mainland near the Arctic Circle. Note also this location would be a candidate for the site of the Soviet scalar interferometer initiating the 77 other such anomalous "cold explosion" events picked up by U.S. weather satellites in the Soviet Arctic since 1974. For an explanation of the cold explosion weapon and how it works (and the technical quantum mechanical basis for it), see Possony, Stefan T. "The Tesla connection." Defense & Foreign Affairs. Aug., 1984. p. 12-14, 27. See also Bearden, Thomas E. Star Wars Now! The Bohm-Aharonov effect, scalar interferometry, and Soviet weaponization. Millbrae, California 94030: Tesla Book Co., 1984. 39 p. See also Bearden, Thomas E. Toward a new electromagnetics: part IV: vectors and mechanisms clarified. Millbrae, California 94030: Tesla Book Co., 1983. For a succinct description of the three kinds of electromagnetics that now exist, see Mueller, Eike. Experiments with a Kromrey and a Brandt-Tesla converter built by John Bedini, with comments by Tom Bearden. Millbrae, California 94030: Tesla Book Co., 1984. p. 13-23.</text>
<text>"The 'past' and the 'delayed-choice' double-slit experiment.'' In Marlow, A. R. ed. Mathematical foundations of quantum theory.</text>
<text>Loyola University, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 2-4, 1977. New York: Academic Press, New York: Academic Press, New York, 1978. p. 9-48.</text>
<text>In a two-slit experiment, one can wait until after all the interactions with the electron are completed, and still select whether the electron will exhibit a classical particle or a quantum interference (wave) nature in the interaction.</text>
<text>The dynamic theory: A new view of space, time, and matter.</text>
<text>Research Report, University of California. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory report no. LA-8370-MS. Dec., 1980. 171 p. Available through the National Technical Information Service.</text>
<text>An important five-dimensional unified field theory which, among other things, includes a limiting rate on mass conversion. This is a testable theory, making predictions that can be experimentally verified or refuted.</text>
<text>SEE - Williams, Pharis Edward. The dynamic theory: A new view of space, time, and matter. Research Report USNA-EW-6-78. Division of Engineering, Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland. Mar. 1978. See also Williams, Pharis Edward. The principles of the dynamic theory. Research report USNA-EW-77-4, Division of Engineering, Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland. 1977.</text>
<text>"Power conversion of energy fluctuations."</text>
<text>Physical Review A. General Physics. 10(4), Oct. 1974. p. 1361-1369.</text>
<text>Analysis of the theoretical efficiency of converting the nonlinear equilibrium thermal fluctuations of a system to a useful form of energy.</text>
<text>Complete thermal disorder, if full-wave rectified, becomes ordered. If the nonlinear noise fluctuations of diodes could so be rectified, enormous power can be shown to result. A physical shape such as inside a tube or container can be utilized to bias the statistics of fluctuations, including fluctuations of the vacuum itself. A stressed, multiparticle transistor containing germanium can conceivably be used to cause myriads of internal stress cracks or dislocations, resulting in great number of tiny scalar interferometers interacting with the biased fluctuation statistics. If sufficient integration occurs in this system, it becomes a self-organizing "Prigogine transistor" and collects virtual fluctuation energy into usable macroscopic energy. This is how T. Henry Moray's valve worked. Adaptations of this could possibly be utilized in Yater's work. </text>
<text>The mass-energy relation, E=MC squared, derived by Einstein within his special theory of relativity, is shown to be invalid in his general theory of relativity for the gravitating mass-energy.</text>
<text>Shows that, in general relativity, the energy/mass conversion constant, c squared, is not obeyed. Thus the ordinary conservation of energy law is not conserved in general relativistic systems. Since electrostatic scalar potential alone can curve spacetime locally and drive the situation into general relativity, then it follows that an electrical free-energy device can in principle be constructed.</text>
<text>mass-energy relation, relativity, nonconservation of energy, free energy.</text>
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<text>"Electromagnetic current and charge due to interaction between a gravitational and a free electromagnetic field."</text>
<text>Journal of Experimental and Electrical Physics. (Soviet translation). 16(7), Oct. 5, 1972. p. 302-303 (English version); p. 425-427 (Russian version).</text>
<text>The interaction between G-field and EM field is postulated to produce current.</text>
<text>Important analysis of pertinence in free energy R & D.</text>
<text>"Electric power generation using resonant nuclear oscillators".</text>
<text>In: Proceedings, International Congress for Free Energy, Einsiedeln, 1989. SAFE, P O Box 402, 8840 Einsiedeln, Switzerland. p. S2-0 - S2-10. </text>
<text>Nuclear power oscillator circuit driven by radio-isotope decay energy.</text>
<text>System avoids gamma radio-isotopes, hence easier to shield. These sources include Technetium-99, Strontium-90, Thullium- 170. System is projected as a long-term, lightweight, compact and reliable source of power.</text>
<text>Batteries, electromagnetic circuit, Nuclear technology, Oscillators, Unorthodox energy devices.</text>